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This blog is the result of me learning statistical analysis with R in my (little) free time. Whenever I come across a new data source, I enjoy looking into it. Yet often, I don’t really find enough time to do a fully fledged scientific analysis (for a paper or so). I use this blog to publish my data analysis, hoping that it is of interest to readers either working on data analysis or generally in the area of human rights. I have been practicing data analysis with R for about 15 years now, and I accumulated a lot of real world analysis that never made it to the public. I hope sharing my analysis is interesting for people interested in human rights issues and statistical analysis. I am also working on a book called ‘Measuring Rights and Wrongs’, and I taught a seminar on measuring human rights in Europe at Vienna University in 2020. Some blog posts are a side product of this. I am employed by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights as a project manager in the Research and Data Unit. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine and do not reflect those of my employer.

Ideally, others like the content of the posts, pick up the analysis and do more with the data.

If you are generally interested in my research, see a list of selected publications further below or on Research Gate.


This blog was made using the blogdown package from within Rstudio. I am a great fan of the R programming community, which I have benefitted from for many years now.

I’d appreciate feedback if you like or don’t like anything about the blog. Don’t hesitate to reach out via email, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Other blogs

Here are a few other blogs and resources that I recommend reading if you are into data analysis and/or human rights:

Statistics and R programming

Human and fundamental rights and citizenship

Selected publications:


Toggenburg G. N. and Reichel D. (2022, forthcoming): ‘Vienna found guilty in Strasbourg: a look at (statistical) patterns in ECtHR judgements’

Albert Kraler & David Reichel (2022): Migration Statistics. In: Peter Scholten (ed): Introduction to Migration Studies. An Interactive Guide to the Literatures on Migration and Diversity. IMISCOE Research Series: Springer.


David Reichel & Gabriel N. Toggenburg (2020): References for a Preliminary Ruling and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: Experiences and Data from 2010 to 2018. In: Michal Bobek & Jeremias Adams-Prassl (eds): The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States, Oxford et al.: Hart.


David Reichel, Maarten Vink and Jonas Grimheden (2019): Regional diffusion, EU conditionality and Council of Europe treaty ratification 1949-2016, Journal of European Public Policy, (https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2019.1674905). [peer reviewed]

Maarten Vink, Arjan Schakel, David Reichel, Rene DeGroot, Chun Luk (2019): The international diffusion of expatriate dual citizenship. Migration Studies, mnz011, https://doi.org/10.1093/migration/mnz011. [peer reviewed]


David Reichel & Jonas Grimheden (2018): A Decade of Violations of the European Convention on Human Rights: Exploring Patterns of Repetitive Violations. In: Wolfgang Benedek, Philip Czech, Lisa Heschl, Karin Lukas, and Manfred Nowak (eds): European Yearbook on Human Rights 2018, Intersentia, 267-286. (https://intersentia.com/en/european-yearbook-on-human-rights-2018.html). [peer reviewed]


Jonas Grimheden & David Reichel (2017): Acceptance of Human Rights Conventions in Europe – Who’s the Quickest? In: Wolfgang Benedek, Matthias C. Kettemann, Reinhard Klaushofer, Karin Lukas, and Manfred Nowak (eds): European Yearbook on Human Rights 2017, NWV, 119-136 (http://www.nwv.at/recht/verfassungsrecht/1277_european_yearbook_on_human_rights_2017/).

David Reichel: Determinants of intimate partner violence in Europe – the role of socio-economic status, inequality and partner behaviour. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 32(2), 1853-1873. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0886260517698951 [peer reviewed]

David Reichel & Laura Morales (2017): Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methods. Comparative Migration Studies, 5:1. https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-016-0044-9 [peer reviewed]


Albert Kraler, David Reichel, Han Entzinger (2015): “Migration statistics in Europe: A core component of governance and population research.” In: Peter Scholten, Han Entzinger, Rinus Penninx, Stijn Verbeek (eds): Integrating Immigrants in Europe. Research-Policy Dialogues. Springer. 39-58. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-16256-0_3.pdf

David Reichel & Bernhard Perchinig (2015): Reflections on the Value of Citizenship – Explaining Naturalisation Practices. Austrian Journal of Political Science, 44 (1), 32-45. https://webapp.uibk.ac.at/ojs/index.php/OEZP/article/view/1604 [peer reviewed]

David Reichel, Melissa Siegel & Juan Carlos Andreo Tudela (2015): ICT for the employability and integration of immigrants in the European Union: A Qualitative Analysis of a Survey in Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Spain, JRC Working Papers JRC93966, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).


David Reichel (2014): ‘We do not legalise! Do We?’. Regularisations and Employment in Germany. REGANE Assessment Report. Vienna: ICMPD.

David Reichel (2014): ‘This will benefit our society’. Regularisations and Employment in Poland. REGANE Assessment Report. Vienna: ICMPD.

Albert Kraler, David Reichel, Alexandra König, Martin Baldwin-Edwards and Müge Şimşek (2014): Final Report - Feasibility Study on the Labour Market Trajectories of Regularised Immigrants within the European Union (REGANE I). Vienna: ICMPD.


David Reichel & Alina Cibea (2013): Die Verwendung von Integrationsindikatoren zur Messung der Wirkung von Integrationspolitik in Europa. In: Julia Dahlvik, Christoph Reinprecht, Wiebke Sievers (Hg.): Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich. Jahrbuch 22013. Vienna University Press, 87-104. [peer reviewed]

Elisabeth Strasser & David Reichel (2013): Hunger for education and career meets real life impediments - the employment situation of young women of Turkish origin in Austria. ICMPD Working Paper No. 6.

Claire Healy, David Reichel (2013): Earning Rights: Economic Status and Access to Citizenship. ICMPD Working Paper No. 5.

Martin Hofmann, David Reichel (2013): Migrationsströme aus Syrien, Irak, Iran und Türkei in die EU und nach Österreich. In: Taucher Wolfgang, Vogl Mathias, Webinger Peter, Wolf-Maier Franz (Hg.): Fokus Naher Osten. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Migration nach Österreich. Wien: Bundesministerium für Inneres et al.


David Reichel (2012): Regulating Political Incorporation of Immigrants – Naturalisation Rates in Europe. ICMPD Working Paper No. 4. Available at: (http://research.icmpd.org/1302.html)

Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2012): Monitoring Integration in Austria. In: Rob Bijl, Arjen Verweij (eds): Measuring and monitoring immigrant integration in Europe. The Hague: The Netherlands Institute for Social Research. [peer reviewed]

David Reichel (2012): Quantitative Migrationsforschung in Österreich im europäischen Vergleich – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen existierender Datenquellen. In: Julia Dahlivk, Heinz Fassmann, Wiebke Sievers (Ed.): Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich. Jahrbuch 12011, Vienna University Press, pp. 23-40. [peer reviewed]

Christina Hollomey, Alexandra König, David Reichel & Elisabeth Strasser (2012): Familien-, Bildungs- und Erwerbssituationen von Migrantinnen der Ersten und Zweiten Generation in Österreich. Vienna: ICMPD.

Martin Hofmann, David Reichel (2012): Wirkungsanalyse von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen – Praxis und Bedarf. Projektbericht. Vienna: ICMPD.

Cibea Alina, Kraler Albert and Reichel David (2012): Evaluation of the Immigrant Citizens Survey (ICS). Vienna: ICMPD.


David Reichel (2011): Staatsbürgerschaft und Integration – Die Bedeutung der Einbürgerung für MigrantInnen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

David Reichel (2011): We need different indicators for different research questions. In: Bauböck Rainer, Marc Helbling (Eds): Which indicators are most useful for comparing citizenship policies? EUI Working Paper RSCAS 201154, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, pp. 7-10.

David Reichel (2011): Do legal regulations hinder naturalisation? Citizenship policies and naturalisation rates in Europe. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 201151. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory.

Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2011): Measuring Irregular Migration and Population Flows – What Available Data Can Tell? In: International Migration, vol. 49 (5), October 2011, 97-128. [peer reviewed]

Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2011): Irreguläre Migration in Europa. In: IDM INFO Europa. Spezial. Ausgabe 1-2011. 11-13.

Martin Hofmann, David Reichel (2011): Ukrainian Migration: An analysis of migration movements to, through and from Ukraine. ÖIF Länderinfo No. 10. ICMPD on behalf of the Austrian Integration Funds.


David Reichel, Martin Hofmann (2010): Migrationsströme aus Afghanistan und Pakistan nach Europa und Österreich. In: Janda Alexander, Taucher Wolfgang, Vogl Mathias (Hg.): AfPak. Afghanistan, Pakistan und die Migration nach Österreich. Österreichischer Integrationsfonds/ Bundesministerium für Inneres. 9-28.

Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2010): Statistics on Migration, Integration and Discrimination in Europe. PROMINSTAT Final Report. Vienna: ICMPD.

David Reichel (2010): Measuring Determinants and Consequences of Citizenship Acquisition. Prominstat Working Paper No. 15.

Jeroen Doomernik, Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2010): Quantitative Data on Immigrants’ Political Participation in Europe. Prominstat Working Paper 08.

David Reichel (2010): Einbürgerungen in der österreichischen Arbeitsmarktdatenbank – eine Evaluierung der Erfassung des Merkmals „Staatsbürgerschaft“ auf Basis von HV- und AMS-Daten. ICMPD Research Working Paper No. 3, available here.

Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2010): Quantitative data in the area of migration, integration and discrimination in Europe – an overview. Prominstat Working Paper 01, available at:

David Reichel (2010): „Gastarbeit“ und Fremdenrecht – ein kurzer Überblick. In: Wissenschaftliche Nachrichten Nr. 138, April/ Mai 2010, 49-52.

David Reichel (2010): Fremdenrecht, soziale Diskriminierung und Integration – die schwierige Situation der ehemaligen „GastarbeiterInnen“ und ihres Familiennachzugs. In: SWS-Rundschau, Heft 12010, 50. Jhrg, 56-76. [peer reviewed]


Albert Kraler, David Reichel, Christina Hollomey (2009): Country Report Austria. CLANDESTINO Undocumented Migration: Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends across Europe.


Albert Kraler, David Reichel (2008): Malta. PROMINSTAT country reports on national data collection systems.

David Reichel (2008): Slovenia. PROMINSTAT country reports on national data collection systems.

Martin Hofmann & David Reichel (2008): Chechen Migration Flows to Europe – a Statistical Perspective. In: Janda A., Leitner N. & Vogl M. (eds): Chechens in the European Union, Österreichischer Integrationfonds/Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, pp. 9-26.